Representative Andrew Byron Applauds Passage of Treatment of Animals Bill, Addresses Budget Challenges, and Highlights Fishing Outfitters Legislation
February 7, 2025
Representative Andrew Byron Applauds Passage of Treatment of Animals Bill Addresses Budget Challenges, and Highlights Fishing Outfitters Legislation
Cheyenne, WY – Representative Andrew Byron is pleased to announce the passage of House Bill 275 - Treatment of Animals, which cleared the Wyoming House of Representatives with overwhelming bipartisan support, passing 57-3-2. This decisive vote highlights the bill as a thoughtful piece of legislation that demonstrates Wyoming values all parties stand together on.
“The people of Wyoming care about all creatures. Passing HB 275 shows the world this,” said Representative Byron. “I am hopeful it gets through the Senate as written and we can get it to the Governor’s desk for signature.”
Budget Process Concerns - Bills at Risk of Dying, Teton County Targeted
Representative Byron expressed frustration over recent developments in the budget process, which has hindered the progress on some key pieces of legislation and targeted his constituents’ community in Teton County.
“Some of my colleagues are bringing forth poorly written amendments that are wasting time in this process. The good, thoughtful bills that address real problems our state is facing are at risk of dying. Time is running out,” Byron said.
He also noted troubling trends in how budget amendments have been used, particularly in targeting his constituents in Teton County.
“Freedom Caucus legislators are bringing budget amendments specifically targeted at Teton County. These amendments aren’t in the interest of my district or Wyoming. It begs one to ask, who are these amendments for? Who is asking for this? Who does this benefit, if not Wyoming? Once again, we see Freedom Caucus members are working for out of state interests and against the people of Wyoming.”
Fishing Outfitters and Guides Legislation Moves Forward
Another celebrated success and significant legislative milestone for Representative Byron is the House’s passage of HB0005 - Fishing Outfitters and Guides-Registration of Fishing Boats, a bill he has worked on for over a decade. This bill addresses Wyoming’s long-standing issue of unregulated commercial fishing guides on Wyoming’s rivers, overcrowding rivers and diminishing the fishing experience for both locals and visitors who bring tourism dollars to Wyoming communities.
“Over the last decade-plus, unregulated drift boat fishing guides have overrun our state’s rivers. As an owner and operator of a guiding company, I can tell you first hand – it has been the Wild West,” Byron said. “Hot Springs, Lincoln, Natrona, and Carbon County have all seen the fishing experience for anglers greatly diminish due to overcrowding and out-of-state, unregulated guides.”
In 2015, the guiding industry representatives from across the state met in Thermopolis to try to solve this issue without government intervention. “It was a great conversation, but summer started, and we ran out of momentum,” explained Byron. Without formal action, the problem persisted.
Regulation of commercial fishing boats has been in front of the legislature in multiple forms over the past few years, and finally, HB0005 bill has passed the House and is now in the Senate. “This bill is a great example of when good people from all areas of the state work together to make sound policy decisions for Wyoming,” Byron added.
As the legislative session continues, Representative Byron remains committed to advocating for responsible policymaking that serves Wyoming’s interests.
For questions and comments, please contact Representative Byron at: Andrew.Byron@wyoleg.gov
Andrew P. Byron
Contact: Representative Andrew Byron, House District 22
Email: Andrew.Byron@wyoleg.gov
Phone: 307-690-2767